Yesterday I painted from sun up to sun down. Well maybe I’m exaggerating a little *wink*. I did paint from the time that I got myself out of bed. We were suppose to be moving into my new retail space but the weather wasn’t cooperating and my husband and I had already moved furniture in the rain once this month so we thought that was enough.
I got out my paintbrush and went to town! I painted many items, used some new techniques and finally saw the finish line with a few of my pieces. I don’t know about you but it seems like I can sometimes get discouraged when I’m at the in between stage. Not just with painting, with most projects. When I catch a glimpse of what the furniture will turn out to be and it looks like what I have in my mind’s eye my excitement gets the better of me and I push through to the finish line. Here are just a few of the tables I painted. I did both of them using my new “tarnished” finish. I love the finish!
I’d love for you to visit my space at The Antique Gallery now that we’ve been able to move a few pieces in. My booth is L8. It’s such a fun place. It’s one of those places that you never know what you will find. That’s so hard to say that today with everything being in a mall or a mega store.
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